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Bonnee's space

Tag: Micro

Two channel audio source switch with Wi-Fi

The HiFi system in my livingroom is centered around an amplifier from the ’80s. There are a few audio sources connected to it: A television A Chromecast Audio A record player The amplifier is powered through a smart plug that, through the power of Home Assistant, turns on whenever there is an active audio source and gets shut when there is none. Although nice and very convenient, this is not enough from keeping the listener from fiddling with the amplifier’s switches to choose the right audio source, since it gets toggled quite often between the TV and the Chromecast.

STM32 environment on Visual Studio Code

Originally published on GitHub Gists This page will help you setup Visual Studio Code for programming and debugging STM32 boards using STM32CubeMX projects. I tested this guide under Arch Linux and Ubuntu 18.04. If you get it to work under other setups please let me know so that I can update the steps with more info. Warning If you were using STM32CubeIDE or SystemWorkbench before, you need to convert your projects in order for them to work.