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Category: Blog

GP1095A01A VFD Display datasheet

My friend Simone found this gem of a dot-matrix Vacuum Fluorescent Display when tearing down his parents’ old car. The only datasheet we could find was locked in a shitty vBulletin forum that not only required an account in order to open a damn file, but also demanded an user introduction post. So I decided to sign up so you don’t have to. Fuck them, here’s the datasheet: GP1095A01A.pdf Bonus link for all VFD junkies.

Thingiverse's Remix function is broken. Here's how to fix it

Thingiverse is becoming abandonware, which is extremely sad since it hosts countless useful 3D designs that can’t be found anywhere else. Fortunately some effort is being made by the data hoarder community to backup Thingiverse in case it goes offline forever (or becomes even more broken). If you’ve recently uploaded something on Thingiverse, you might have realized that one of the most important features of the site, remixes, is badly broken.

How I back up my small servers

We all have heard about horror stories concerning SD card reliability when (mis)used as root disks on SBCs; With such a track record a good backup strategy should always be in place to prevent data loss and shorten downtime when a failure occurs. Fortunately I only had one MicroSD card casualty over the years, and the following backup method did its job right to recover from it. I like to store backups on the local network because it is faster, easier to access and safer (I don’t encrypt my backups).


That’s my first blog post! I plan on doing montly journals on what I do, and maybe add some other content as I go. Expect me write about progress made with E-Agle TRT, my work/homelab, random stuff about linux and whatever else comes to my mind.

STM32 environment on Visual Studio Code

Originally published on GitHub Gists This page will help you setup Visual Studio Code for programming and debugging STM32 boards using STM32CubeMX projects. I tested this guide under Arch Linux and Ubuntu 18.04. If you get it to work under other setups please let me know so that I can update the steps with more info. Warning If you were using STM32CubeIDE or SystemWorkbench before, you need to convert your projects in order for them to work.